Change a Flat Tire Safely and Easily
Imagine you were driving and figured out you had a flat tire. Now you're stuck in the middle of a highway and have nobody to ask for help!
Knowing how to change a flat tire is an essential life skill everyone should have in their toolkit!
According to a survey by, only 42.2% said they felt confident they could change a flat tire.
Tire changing is one of the essential skills that can be helpful, and everybody should know how to handle it so that they can handle a situation if they're stuck in it.
First, if you need a flat tire changed, ensure you're in a safe zone! If it's too late at night and unsafe outside due to the darkness, you can stay inside the car!
Secondly, if your car tire has flattened in the middle of the road, park the car on the side with somebody's help. After that, you can go for a tire repair!
Knowing things is essential, and what you know might help keep you safe when things get tricky!
Today, let’s understand how to perform a tire change. Tire repair/Tire change is effortless, and just like cooking, once you know how to do it, you will find it easy to do it!!
In the following few paragraphs, let us understand the tire change procedure.
For tire change, you will require the following things:
- Owner’s Manual
- Jack
- Lug Wrench
- Spare Tire
Before you start fixing the flat tire, make sure you do the following:
First and foremost, if you discover a flat tire on a highway, do not jump out of the car to fix it!
- Park in a safe area away from the road!
- Switch on the emergency flashers!!
- Place the reflective warning signs a few metres away from the vehicle!
- Apply your parking brake.
Now, you can start the next steps to change a tire.
Find Your Fixtures:
If you need a tire change or repair, here's what you do: First, gather your tools - your Jack and Lug wrench. Make sure they're easy to reach when you need them. Next, grab your spare tire and have it nearby. Now you're ready to fix a flat tire! Just follow these steps for a tire replacement. Having everything handy will make the process smoother.
Time to Open the Lugnut:
When it's time to change or fix a flat tire, the first step is loosening the lug nuts. Use a lug wrench and gently turn it counterclockwise. If it's stuck, apply more force. If that doesn't work, use your foot for extra leverage, but stop short of removing them completely. Keeping the nuts partially threaded is important to prevent the wheel from coming off prematurely while the vehicle is still on the ground. After loosening the lug nuts, we will use a jack to raise the car and remove the tire.
Use the Jack to Lift the Wheel from the Ground:
If you need to change a flat tire or repair one near you, you'll want to use a jack to lift the wheel off the ground. A jack is a tool that helps you lift heavy things, like a car. With the jack, you can quickly raise the wheel up to fix the tire. Locate the jack and place it under the car near the flat tire. Use the jack handle to lift the vehicle until the wheel is off the ground. Once it's lifted, you can remove the flat tire and put it on the spare.
It’s Time to Put the Spare Tire:
It's that moment when you need to switch out the tire! First, make sure the car is safely lifted. Now, finish unscrewing and removing the already loose lug nuts by hand. Carefully pull the flat tire straight off the hub, ensuring it does not damage the bolts. After removing the flat tire, it’s time to align the spare tire with the lug bolts, ensuring the holes in the rim match the bolts. Push the spare tire onto the hub until the bolts are fully visible through the rim. This ensures the tire is securely positioned for the next step, which involves hand-tightening the lug nuts. After tightening the lug nuts with the hand, tighten them fully with the wrench.
Time to Put the Car Down:
Use the jack to carefully lower the vehicle until the spare tire is fully in contact with the ground and the vehicle's weight is supported by the tire. Remove the jack from under the vehicle. With the vehicle on the ground, give the lug nuts a final tightening with the lug wrench to ensure they are secure.
Put All Your Equipment in the Car:
After fixing a flat tire, remember to put all your tools back in the car. This includes the jack, wrench, and spare tire. Properly storing your equipment keeps you prepared for emergencies and saves you from scrambling to find them later. So, after completing a tire change, tidy up and stow away your gear for peace of mind on the road.
Mastering the skill of tire change is a lifelong asset that can aid you, your family, and your friends during tense situations. By following these steps, you can handle most tire changes with confidence and ease.
However, we understand that not every situation is ideal for a DIY fix. Whether it's challenging weather conditions, a tricky location, or simply the need for professional assistance, Sherwood Towing is here to help. Our expert team is available 24/7 to provide fast, reliable service whenever you need it. Don't hesitate to call us at +1 (780) 970-8302 for roadside assistance – your safety and convenience are our top priorities.